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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Millions of Birds

At the start of breakfast this morning, enjoying watching a cloud moving north, then suddenly the birds.  Using the golf course fairway as a path of sorts, millions of birds, moving south.  From ground level to 100 feet up, then as the procession continued, never touching down, staying in the lower 6 feet.  Continuous flow for at least 10 minutes, millions of birds.

Jesus said that strange thing, you know:  "...not a sparrow falls..." without God's notice.

A perspective moment.

Which is easier to say:  He is MY God?  OR  I am His child?  Actually, I am just one piece of His very large and very complex world.  And I am grateful that He pays some attention to me.  Is that humbling?  Is that a "lifting up"?

As I watched the millions of His other creatures stream past, we gave thanks for breakfast, and wondered a moment about our place.    In a world that proclaims loudly "it's all about ME" we need to see a parade of God's creatures, all of whom have His attention.  Then we can say, "and me, too", which does create a whole flood of gratitude.

(I feel like a "doxology" - - - - you might want to hum one, just all by yourself.  Good thing for us to do!)

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