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Tuesday, January 4, 2011

When You Gotta....

I write about him now and then, because he was such an influence, and a fine across-the-street neighbor.  He was founder of Medical Bridges in Houston, an agency to recycle usable hospital supplies from linens to plastics to highly expensive electronics, all going to missionary situations.  He was a neuro-surgeon, grounded on one unforgettable day by a diagnosis of a brain tumor.  Banned from operating.

But, when you gotta, then you gotta.  Medical Bridges continued full speed as he recruited others INSIDE the hospitals to help acquire supplies for missionary hospitals.

And the skilled fingers?  Have you ever imagined the eye-hand coordination required to be a brain surgeon?  Phenomenal skill in those hands!  Able to do fine detail work?  You wouldn't believe what my friend David could turn out in a wood-working shop.

Talents need to be used.  Stop one venue and the "called" person finds another.

Service?  Check.

Expression? Check.

Benefit to others?  Check.

Inspiration?  Oh, yes.

The disease was known to be terminal, early on.  But every effort, every crafted item, every piece of salvaged surplus, every intentional family-care moment, became part of a soaring witness, .  THIS is how Christians do the last battle!

When you gotta....... well, when it's God's calling to express your faith, then..............  God's going to help.

Unforgettable, even now 11 years later, and held with gratitude.

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