Pakistani Minorities Minister Shahbaz Bhatti, a Christian who had tried to reform the country's blasphemy law, is shot. So opens a news item today. Jesus knew it is/was a tough world when he told us to love our enemies. That did NOT mean to fail to RESIST, but to pray for, even as we defend against. But to live in a spirit of love.
Our choir is preparing (in rehearsal tonight) a work by Thomas Aquinas, sung to a Benedictine Plain-Song. Followers of Benedict were men who worshiped in a profound way, and lived fearlessly in brutal times. For hundreds of years, they lived according to the word of grace, no matter what the world around tossed to them. We need profound worship in these times, even within our layers of comfort and protection.
Here's the text, a phenomenal guide to prayer:
Jesus, I adore thee, Word of truth and grace, who in glory shineth light upon our race.
Christ, to thee surrendered, my whole heart is bowed.
Alpha and Omega be, thou true Son of God.
Taste and touch and vision to discern thee fail;
Faith that comes by hearing pierces through the veil.
I believe whatever the Son of God hath told.
What the Truth hath spoken, that for truth I hold.
Word of God incarnate, Lord of life and light, teach me how to love and worship thee aright.
Holy Spirit, ever bide within my heart, speaking thy commandments, telling all thou art.
Wondrous revelation, verity and grace, Lo, in glory's heaven, I see thee face to face.
Light of endless light whom heaven and earth adore,
fill me with thy radiance now and ever more.
Without something very like that happening in the private depths and in public worship, you just can't go out into the rough world and hold to the course God sets for the disciple.
Shahbaz Bhatti was shot. He prayed before he left home this morning. God didn't abandon him, but sustained him in faithfulness even at the worst. He reminds us of the meaning of the word "martyr". The world works every day to redirect those who would be faithful to Jesus, and sometimes works under very confusing labels.
Facing YOUR heart's enemies, you need time for prayer and adoration of God. We all do.
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