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Wednesday, November 10, 2010

It Really Is There

For a long time, I believed that the Nielsen ratings were a "figment", but then.................

Aha, I'm in!  I actually have a TV diary to complete, send in, and obviously make great changes in TV programming.   Well, probably not, but at least it is real.

Sometimes folks mistake Christian FAITH for believing the unbelievable, and that causes a great deal of stress.  But, the whole witness of the Bible is that God acts in human history, and faith is a matter of TRUST, not simply blind belief.  Credible witnesses, personal experience, the "warmed heart", the guidance of the Holy Spirit in understanding the Word, recognizing that God shares Himself with us in so many ways, all of these build trust in our hearts.

Great comfort in that, I find.

1 comment:

  1. Faith is a beautiful fundamental of the gospel... just waiting out there to be developed into a deeper love of Jesus. Faith that Jesus exists, that He is the Son of God, and that He loves us unconditionally... in spite of ourselves. It's a wonderful thing!

