Oops! Sometimes that reality check can make an impression!
A student pilot crossed an invisible line, into Washington, D. C., where he was "notified" and escorted away by a pair of fighter jets! There are protected areas. When my son interned in D. C., I asked him about the "homeless" in Lafayette Park, across from the White House. Aren't some of them the same all the time? Are some of those really Secret Service in disguise? What IS under the canvas on the roof of the White House?
There are some border-lines we protect. Every individual has some, every family.
Friends have done the "Financial Peace University" program lately, with Dave Ramsey. There are some debt-levels you just can't safely enter. Those borders ought to be marked with red tape. Some clear line, so that the boundary is so visible just when the spending urge hits. Ah, but the friendly credit cards make those lines disappear, don't they?
Now, when government debt is soaring, state spending is in crisis because it can't really do deficits, and personal debt across the nation rises to an all-time high, maybe we just crossed a line somewhere. Maybe.
But there aren't any fighter-jets to warn us back. Just that little voice that says: "If you're in the hole, quit digging." And if we miss the signal? There's a significant thump as one, or more, of the systems just quit functioning.
Is there a way out? Well, Jesus says quite a lot about this. Where your heart is, there will your treasure be. Do not put your trust in princes or chariots (power, money, and military strength). And on almost every page of the New Testament. He doesn't yell, but He does tell us the truth.
He got it right. Do we listen?
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