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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

It's in the Eyes

Photo-journalism is a powerful thing.  Police in Egypt confront a solitary woman with a single flag.  In the background, some watch; in the foreground, a man tries to persuade.  In her eyes, it is immediate.  Millions in her country are finding the same "eyes" now, as the protests escalate.

There's an old saying:  "All politics is local", and Egypt is discovering something about public opinion.

She WILL be dealt with, the eyes seem to say.  And the news tonight is that the 30 year dictatorship in Egypt is being forced to deal.

Ultimately, all governments rule with the consent of the governed.  It may be a running warfare, it may be a short granting of authority, but the eyes of the woman, multiplied many times, ultimately win.

Perhaps our most serious Christian obligation to the world around us is to SEE people as people, and pray for them.  Christ, after all, died for HER, too.  And for every other one who seeks justice from those who would with-hold it.

Remember Egypt tonight.  Another place tomorrow, perhaps, but one place at a time, and lift those people up to God in prayer.

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