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Saturday, January 8, 2011

Just Bird Seed

I filled the bird feeder today, and that's always a little messy.  Seed scatters, on the patio, on a table, some out in the grass.  And I don't bother to sweep up, really.  The birds take care of that.  Almost like having a dog to grab table scraps when they fall.

Remember Jesus and the foreign woman?  Even the dogs get scraps that fall from the table where the children are served.  Remember Jesus talking about how God knows and numbers the birds?

I think about that when i re-fill the feeder.  And the cardinals come.  And the little unidentified birds come, the grey ones with yellow bills, the sparrows, the yellow ones, all of them together cleaning it all up.

God's economy, another generation would say it, includes every creature.  And maybe we, as the dominant creatures at the moment, need to be careful to throw a little extra their way, and be sure not to mess up the environment, just because we are all creatures of the creating God.

There's a good perspective in Jesus' old parables, that touches on today.  He doesn't talk about blue-fin tuna or species decline in one part or another, but he does remind us that we are ALL God's creatures.  God notices us, Jesus says, just like he notices even the falling of the sparrow.

I like being part of God's plan, and pray that I'm a POSITIVE part of how that plan plays out.

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